Support Services

Support Services

At SINA Technology, we recognize the paramount importance of Disaster Recovery in ensuring the continuity of your business operations in the face of major incidents or disasters. Our comprehensive solutions are designed to provide you with the redundancy, recovery mechanisms, and backup plans necessary to safeguard your critical business functions.

Disaster Recovery Solutions:

1. Disaster Recovery: We create robust continuity solutions that guarantee the redundancy of your critical business functions, minimizing the risk of disruption.

2. Warranty: In the event of a disaster, our efficient recovery procedures enable the swift restoration of important information, allowing your organization to resume operations promptly.

3. Support: We develop thorough contingency procedures to prepare your business for significant incidents, even those that may not be anticipated. This proactive approach ensures that your organization is capable and prepared to deal with unforeseen challenges.

4. Maintenance Services: Through our partnerships and with the assistance of our trained and certified team, we handle the installation and relocation of all hardware required for business continuity. This includes site inspections, power testing, cabling, powering up, initial testing, customer awareness sessions, and comprehensive installation documentation.

Warranty, Support, and Maintenance Services:

  • Vendor Warranty Protection: SINA Technology places great emphasis on vendor warranty protection. Our specialized service team is authorized by each vendor to provide hardware fixes under vendor warranties, ensuring that your equipment remains covered and operational.
  • Customized Service Offerings: We offer both standard and customized services to meet your specific Service Level Agreement (SLA) needs. Our services encompass warranty services, after-warranty assistance, and support agreements.
  • Comprehensive Support Services: Our support services cover all phases of customer projects, from site preparation and inspection to hardware installation and software implementation. We are your trusted partner throughout the project lifecycle.